
Showing posts from August, 2017

Chapter Two Completed!

Yes, that's right, the SECOND chapter is complete!

Not Much Done Lately, But Look Something Else!

So I haven't gotten a lot of work done lately. Been pretty busy with trying to do work around the house and getting ready for baby #4. So no news as of progress. However, here's a quick sketch of a creature/thing that's featured in the Messenger, which I did in maybe five minutes as a test of a drawing pad. It's not the greatest I've ever done by far, but it gets the point across I think.

Chapter One Completed!

Okay, so I was off by a day, but I finally finished the first chapter. It's mostly just a slightly tweaked version of my fourth draft, though it has many spelling and grammar corrections, slight dialog alterations, and about a page less than the previous draft. If you don't mind though, I'm heading for bed. It's been a long night.

Status Update: 8/7/17

After a short family vacation, I'm back at it. Managed to squeeze in a whole page on lunch today. As I do this more often I should be able to get in more per day. Hoping to finish the first chapter by tomorrow.