Status Update: 9/29/17

So as you probably could tell there's not much going on here at the moment. Well, there's been a lot going on in my household as if late. At the beginning of the month we had our oldest daughter going back to school, which made things busy in and of itself. Normally after a few days we get back into the school routine, and she's been doing great getting up on time and behaving in classes, so that's great. Not really that much of a hindrance, but still takes a little getting used to. We've got bigger problems to deal with. But then we had our son's second birthday. I mean, we didn't plan anything extravagant. He's two. He's not going to remember a whole lot of it. We were just planning to have some family over and give him presents and a bowl of Skittles instead of cake. (In case you're horrified over the cake thing, he HATES cake for some reason.) But while this plan was supposed to happen on the 16th so more people could show up, we ended up...